Mortlake Lodge

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-10351
Old lodge house in Mortlake Cemetery. The bottom floor windows have been boarded up. Downstairs has no natural light. The bathrooms are in a state of decay. Upstairs is stripped bare and has plenty of natural light. The back garden is overgrown. [TAGS; richmond, kensington, chelsea, mortlake, lodge, overgrown, dark, creepy, horror, abandoned, empty, empty unit, house, lodge]

Location Category:

  • BUSINESSES / BUILDINGS - [general];
  • HOUSES - [general];
  • HOUSES - Cottages / Cabins


Kew Meadow Path, Townmead Rd
London, ENG TW9 4EN
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London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Ground Floor, The Annexe
37 Pembroke Road
London, England W8 6PW
Phone: 020 8753 2351
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