Kensington Town Hall

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-10445
Town hall in the heart of Kensington with dedicated events space, bookable meeting rooms and assembly halls. Bookable rooms are The Great Hall, Small Hall, Council Chamber and Committee Rooms. [TAGS; kensington, chelsea, red brick, events, large space, grand hall, small hall, 1977, grand, hall, public buildings, private hire, government, municipal, council]

Location Category:

  • AUDITORIUMS / THEATERS - Auditoriums / Arenas;
  • GOVERNMENT - [general];
  • GOVERNMENT - City Halls / Town Halls


Town Hall, Hornton Street,
London, ENG W8 7NX,
Get Driving Directions


The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Town Hall,
Hornton Street
London, ENG W8 7NX
Phone: 0207 341 5124
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